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category: Nutrition

18 Cholesterol Lowering Foods!

In honor of National Cholesterol Education Month my last blog post, Cholesterol: The Facts, was dedicated to cholesterol.  Now I want to talk about cholesterol lowering foods. The best way to improve your cholesterol

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Cholesterol: The Facts

September is National Cholesterol Education Month. We often hear about good cholesterol versus bad cholesterol and which foods will raise or lower cholesterol, but what exactly is cholesterol? What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a

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Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Seed Jam

Refrigerator Chia Seed Jam has become a must-have in my refrigerator!  As I mentioned in my last post, Refrigerator Chia Seed Jam is a much healthier alternative to store-bought jam. I love chia seed jam because

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Maradol Papaya

There are two types of papaya commonly sold in grocery stores: Mexican and Hawaiian. Today we are going to talk about Mexican papaya also known as a Maradol papaya or a Caribbean red papaya.

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Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

15 Reasons to Love Dragon Fruit! 1. SUPERFOOD. One dragon fruit is only about 60 calories and 80% water.  Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, while low in calories and rich in fiber, this fruit is

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Jicama (pronounced hee-kah-ma) is an edible root that resembles a turnip.  It is part of the legume family and is also known as a yam bean, Mexican turnip, or Mexican potato.  Jicama is in season

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Food Revolution Day 2014

Today marks the third annual Food Revolution Day!  Food Revolution Day, organized by the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation, is a global day of action for people everywhere to come together to celebrate real food

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category: Nutrition

18 Cholesterol Lowering Foods!

In honor of National Cholesterol Education Month my last blog post, Cholesterol: The Facts, was dedicated to cholesterol.  Now I want to talk about cholesterol lowering foods. The best way to improve your cholesterol

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Cholesterol: The Facts

September is National Cholesterol Education Month. We often hear about good cholesterol versus bad cholesterol and which foods will raise or lower cholesterol, but what exactly is cholesterol? What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a

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Strawberry Rhubarb Chia Seed Jam

Refrigerator Chia Seed Jam has become a must-have in my refrigerator!  As I mentioned in my last post, Refrigerator Chia Seed Jam is a much healthier alternative to store-bought jam. I love chia seed jam because

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Maradol Papaya

There are two types of papaya commonly sold in grocery stores: Mexican and Hawaiian. Today we are going to talk about Mexican papaya also known as a Maradol papaya or a Caribbean red papaya.

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Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

15 Reasons to Love Dragon Fruit! 1. SUPERFOOD. One dragon fruit is only about 60 calories and 80% water.  Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, while low in calories and rich in fiber, this fruit is

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Jicama (pronounced hee-kah-ma) is an edible root that resembles a turnip.  It is part of the legume family and is also known as a yam bean, Mexican turnip, or Mexican potato.  Jicama is in season

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Food Revolution Day 2014

Today marks the third annual Food Revolution Day!  Food Revolution Day, organized by the Jamie Oliver Food Foundation, is a global day of action for people everywhere to come together to celebrate real food

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