Tag: Fruit

3 Sport Drink Alternatives

Bananas are abundant in potassium. Researchers from the Appalachian State University’s Human Performance Lab recently found that endurance cyclists performed just as well when they consumed bananas as they did when they drank a sports drink. A banana offers other, long-term benefits not available from a sugary sports drink: antioxidants, fiber and vitamin B.

Refrigerator Chia Seed Jam – 3 Flavors!

Refrigerator Chia Seed Jam is a much healthier alternative to store-bought jam. This jam is one of the easiest recipes to make! No cooking, no canning, no pectin and only natural ingredients! This super-easy and very healthy jam is made with just berries, a little natural sweetener (if any) and chia seeds! That’s it! Traditional […]

Maradol Papaya

There are two types of papaya commonly sold in grocery stores: Mexican and Hawaiian. Today we are going to talk about Mexican papaya also known as a Maradol papaya or a Caribbean red papaya. Maradol papaya is very low in calories and contains no cholesterol; however, is a rich source of phytochemicals, minerals, and vitamins!

Dragon Fruit (Pitaya)

15 Reasons to Love Dragon Fruit! 1. SUPERFOOD. One dragon fruit is only about 60 calories and 80% water.  Loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, while low in calories and rich in fiber, this fruit is definitely a superfood! 2.  DIGESTION & METABOLISM. Since it is high in fiber this fruit is optimal for digestive health and may […]